Actual Weather

Welcome to Weather station

The weather station in use is the Fine Offset WH1080, and these pages are updated every 15 minutes
The meteorological day used at this station ends a midnight.

Forecast : Settled fine

Conditions at local time 22:45 on 14 July 2016
Temperature and humidity
Temperature 58.5°F Humidity 72%
Apparent Temperature 58.4°F Last hour variation (3hrs) -3.1°F
Wet thermometer 53.7°F Last hour variation (Falling) °F
Average Temperature 62.7°F Dew point 49.5°F
Windchill noChill hours 1958.2
Humidex 60.5°FHeat index no
SunnyNo UV index 0
Current solar max 0 W/m2Solar radiation 0 W/m2
Cloud base2001 ftIs sun upYes
Rainfall rate0.0 mm/hrRainfall Today0.0 mm
Rainfall Last Hour0.0 mmRainfall This Month14.7 mm
Rainfall since midnight0.0 mmRainfall This Year338.7 mm
Rainfall last 24h0.0 mmLast rainfall (0 Min)2016-07-13 05:48
Current wind speed0.0 mphWind direction---
Wind Speed (gust)0.0 mphWind bearing
Wind speed (avg)0.0 mphWind bearing (avg)
Wind bearing range from° (°)to° (°)
Beaufort scaleF0Calm-
Pressure (sea level)
Barometer1024.0 mbAltimeter pressure1024.0 mb
Pressure trend0.3 mbRising slowly
Sun and Moon
Day length16:15Length of daylight17:45
Moon age9 Day  
Our Location
LatitudeN 51° 48' 08"LongitudeE 00° 11' 20"
Altitude262 ft  

Page updated : 14/07/2016 22:45:01
powered byCumulus 1.9.4 (1088)




Current forecast

Forecast: Settled fine

Forecast image
(next 12 hours)


Moon phase

Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Moon visible at: 76%